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Grape Variety: Cabernet franc

Variety Name Cabernet franc
TTB Approved Name(s) Cabernet Franc
All Synonyms Aceria, Acheria, Arrouya, Bordo, Bouchet, Bouchy, Breton, Burdeas tinto, Cabernet, Cabernet aunis, Cabernet franco, Cabernet Frank, Capbreton rouge, Carmenet, Fer Servandou, Gamput, Gros Bouchet, Grosse Vidure, Hartling, Kaberne Fran, Messanges rouge, Morenoa, Noir Dur, Petit fer, Petit Viodure, Petite Vidure, Petite Vignedure, Plant Breton, Plant des Sables, Trouchet noir, Veron, Veron Bouchy, Veronais
Countries of Origin France
Species Vitis vinifera
Berry Color Black
Uses Wine
Comments This variety is one of the parents of Cabernet Sauvignon.

Cabernet franc PhotosClick photo to enlarge


Cabernet franc Selections

Information about:          Selection Numbers     |     Registration Status
  Cabernet franc 01
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Montpellier, France
Treatments Heat treatment 128 days
Comments This selection was imported to Davis in December 1938 by Dr. Harold Olmo (University of California, Davis, Department of Viticulture & Enology) from Montpellier, France. The original material was assigned station number 3880 at Davis. Vines were planted in the Department's Armstrong vineyard at locations E107:1-22, then C7:13-14 (in 1944), and finally I56v11 (in 1950). The plant material underwent heat treatment for 128 days at Foundation Plant Services in 1964-65. Cabernet franc 01 was planted in the foundation vineyard in June of 1966 at location C7 v15-16 and was released on the list of registered vines in 1967. Cabernet franc 01 underwent microshoot tip tissue culture therapy at FPS in order to qualify for the Russell Ranch Foundation Vineyard. The treated material successfully completed testing in 2013 to qualify for the Russell Ranch Foundation Vineyard. (see Cabernet franc 01.1).

  Cabernet franc 03
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source ISV 1, Conegliano, Italy
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture therapy
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services, Davis, California, in spring, 1988, directly from Antonio Calò at the Istituto Sperimentale per la Viticoltura in Conegliano, Italy. The clone is ISV 1. The plant material came to Davis as part of the Winegrowers of California Program, which was an effort in the late 1980's to import popular European clones for the American grape and wine industry. This selection orginally tested positive for leafroll virus at FPS and underwent microshoot tip tissue culture disease elimination therapy. It was eventually released in 2001 as Cabernet franc FPS 03.

  Cabernet franc 04
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Reported to be French clone 332
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture therapy
Comments This selection was imported to Foundation Plant Services in the winter of 1988-89 from the Chambre d'Agriculture de la Gironde, France, as part of the Winegrowers' of California Project. The Winegrowers' Project was initially created in 1987-89 to import select European grape clones for the American grape and wine industry. The initial round of importations was processed through Oregon State University and occurred prior to initiation of the official ENTAV-INRA trademark program for French clones. Cabernet franc 04 was imported directly to FPS in the second round of importations. Cabernet franc 04 is reported to be French clone 332. Since the material was imported prior to the official ENTAV-INRA trademark program, the identity of this selection as clone 332 cannot be guaranteed by FPS. The selection underwent microshoot tip tissue culture disease elimination therapy prior to becoming registered in 1995 as Cabernet franc FPS 04 in the California Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Cabernet franc 04 was planted in the FPS Classic Foundation Vineyard in 1995.

  Cabernet franc 05
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Reported to be French clone 331
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture therapy
  Cabernet franc 09 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source VCR 10, Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo, Italy
Treatments None
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner.
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments This proprietary selection came to Foundation Plant Services in 1998 from Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo in Italy. The selection is VCR 10.

  Cabernet franc 11 Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Reported to be French clone 214
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture therapy
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services in 1995 as proprietary material for an American nursery. It is reported to be clone 214 from France. The material underwent microshoot tip tissue culture therapy at FPS in 1996. The proprietary status expired in 2002.

  Cabernet franc 12 Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Protocol 2010 Qualifies for Protocol 2010.
Source Reported to be French clone 327
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture
Comments This FPS selection is reportedly clone 327 from France. It is now in the public foundation collection at Foundation Plant Services.

  Cabernet franc 12.1 Top
Registration Status Provisional Provisional Status is an important term used in the regulations of the California Department of Food & Agriculture's Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Grapevine selections with Provisional Status have successfully completed all required disease testing, but have not been confirmed as true to variety. Propagation material from Provisional selections qualifies for release subject to the understanding on the part of the customer that the identity has yet to be confirmed.
Protocol 2010 Qualifies for Protocol 2010.
Treatments Tissue Culture Excision
  Cabernet franc 13 Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Protocol 2010 Qualifies for Protocol 2010.
Source Reported to be French clone 312
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture therapy
Comments This selection was donated to the Foundation Plant Services public collection in 1998 by a private party. It is reported to be French clone 312. The original plant material underwent microshoot tip tissue culture disease elimination therapy at FPS in 1999. After successful completion of testing for the California Grapevine Registration & Certification Program, Cabernet franc FPS 13 was planted in the FPS Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2003.

  Cabernet franc 14 Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Niebaum clone via Hyde vineyards (Larry Hyde), Napa CA
Treatments None , Tissue Culture Excision
  Cabernet franc 15 Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Vincent #1 clone, Bordeaux, France
Treatments None , Tissue Culture Excision
Comments The Cabernet franc selections in the Vincent series were donated to the Foundation Plant Services public collection in 2004 by a well-respected producer of French wine near Bordeaux, France. The donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, named the series after his vineyard manager in France as well as the patron saint of winegrowers, St. Vincent of Saragosa. This selection is the Vincent #1 clone.

  Cabernet franc 19 Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Cyprus (formerly known at FPS as Mavron 02)
Treatments None, RSP+
Comments This selection was sent to Foundation Plant Services in 2008 as one of four Mavron selections from the Department of Agriculture, Viticulture & Oenology Section, Limassol, Cyprus. The four selections were all from different source vines. This selection completed disease testing and was given the name Mavron 02 in 2012. In 2016, DNA testing at FPS showed that this selection is Cabernet franc, so the name of the selection was changed to Cabernet franc FPS 19.

  Cabernet franc 214 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source French clone Cabernet franc 214, ENTAV
Treatments None , Tissue Culture Excision
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments Distributed by ENTAV-INRA licensee

  Cabernet franc 327 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source French clone Cabernet franc 327, ENTAV
Treatments None , Tissue Culture Excision
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments The Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin (IFV), formerly ENTAV, officially authorizes French clones for distribution in the United States. This selection is the official French clone Cabernet franc 327, which was imported to Foundation Plant Services in 2000. After successfully completing testing for the California Grapevine Registration & Certification Program, this selection was planted in the Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2002. IFV clones may be obtained through official ENTAV-INRA licensees in the United States.

  Cabernet franc 394 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Cabernet franc ENTAV-INRA® 394
Treatments None
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments This proprietary selection was imported to the United States in 2005 from France by ENTAV-INRA, the entity that manages the trademarked French clonal material. The material is official French clone 394, which originated from the Pyrenees-Atlantiques region of France. The selection qualified for the Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2007.

  Cabernet franc 395 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source French clone Cabernet franc 395, ENTAV
Treatments None
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments Distributed by ENTAV-INRA licensees

  Cabernet franc 395.1 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Provisional Provisional Status is an important term used in the regulations of the California Department of Food & Agriculture's Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Grapevine selections with Provisional Status have successfully completed all required disease testing, but have not been confirmed as true to variety. Propagation material from Provisional selections qualifies for release subject to the understanding on the part of the customer that the identity has yet to be confirmed.
Protocol 2010 Qualifies for Protocol 2010.
Treatments Tissue Culture Excision
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
  Cabernet franc 623 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source French clone Cabernet franc 623, ENTAV
Treatments None
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments Distributed by ENTAV-INRA licensees

  Cabernet franc 1155 (proprietary) Top
Source Recieved in 2022 from ENTAV-IFV
Treatments Tissue Culture Excision
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments Only available to the public through ENTAV licenses. A list of licenses can be provided upon request.

  Cabernet franc 1204 (proprietary) Top
Source Recieved in 2022 from ENTAV-IFV
Treatments Tissue Culture Excision
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV-ITV
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments Only available to the public through ENTAV licenses. A list of licenses can be provided upon request.