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DNA-Based Variety Identification Services (DNA Fingerprinting)

Prices per sample
  • 1-5 samples$410
  • 6 or more samples$300
Surcharges per sample
  • Other than dried leaf samples*$50
  • International samples$50
  • * using our standard protocol
Payment Options
  • Credit Card or Invoice (check)

Dianne Velasco, PhD
Plant Identification Lab Supervisor
Foundation Plant Services
(530) 752-7540
[email protected]

The Plant Identification Lab at Foundation Plant Services provides variety identification using DNA Fingerprinting technology for almond, apple, apricot, cherry, grape, olive, peach, pistachio, plum, and walnut. The service makes DNA-based variety identification available to the public on a fee-for-service basis. The service is used by nursery managers, growers, processors, breeders, and other industry representatives. The service is available to both domestic and international clients only for the above-listed crops.

Within a given crop, nearly all the DNA of one variety is identical to all other varieties, thus only small specific regions of the DNA are useful for the purpose of identification. Analysis of a panel of these specific DNA markers produces the DNA profile or "DNA Fingerprint". The marker panel used is specific to each crop. To identify the variety, the DNA profile of the client's sample is matched to a reference database that is specific to each fruit or nut crop. The service does not distinguish between bud-sports (somatic mutations, clones) within a given variety.

Initiate a Request for DNA-Based Variety Identification Service