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Grape Variety: Vidiano

Variety Name Vidiano
All Synonyms Abidano, Abidiano, Abudiano, Abydiano, Avidiano, Bidiano
Countries of Origin Greece
Species Vitis vinifera
Berry Color White
Uses Wine
Comments This white wine variety is an old variety from Crete.

Vidiano Selections

Information about:          Selection Numbers     |     Registration Status
  Vidiano 01
Registration Status Provisional Provisional Status is an important term used in the regulations of the California Department of Food & Agriculture's Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Grapevine selections with Provisional Status have successfully completed all required disease testing, but have not been confirmed as true to variety. Propagation material from Provisional selections qualifies for release subject to the understanding on the part of the customer that the identity has yet to be confirmed.
Source Fassoulis Grapevine Nursery, Nemea, Greece
Treatments None
Comments Foundation Plant Services entered into an exchange agreement for a series of Greek grape selections as a result of a seminar on Greek wines held at UC Davis in 2013. Fassoulis Grapevine Nursery from Nemea in the Peloponnese region of Greece participated in the seminar and afterward agreed to donate desirable clones of select Greek varieties to the FPS public grapevine collection. Vidiano 01 originated from a vineyard in Nemea and was received by FPS in 2015. The original material underwent disease testing at FPS and qualified for the FPS Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2017.