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Grape Variety: Pinot noir Précoce

Variety Name Pinot noir Précoce
Common Synonyms Frühburgunder, Pinot Précoce Pinot Precoce, Pinot Precoce noir
All Synonyms Augsttraube, Augustclevner, Augustiner blau, Augustklevner, Augusttraube, Black Inly, Blaue Jakobstraube, Blauer Fruehburgunder, Blauer Klevner, Burgundac Crni Rani, Burgunder Frueh blau, Burgunder Frueher blauer, Champagner Schwarz, Claevner Frueh, Clevner Fruehburgunder, Frauentagtraube, Fruehburgunder, Fruehburgunder blau, Fruehe Jakobstraube, Frueher Blauer Burgunder, Frueher Blauer Klevner, Frueher Claevner, Fruehreifer Schwarzer Burgunder, Fruehtraube, Frühburgunder, Fruheburgunder, Gospinsza, Ischia, Iskiya, Jakobstraube, Jacobi, Jacobitraube, Jacobstraube, Jacobszoeloe, Jakobstraube, Jakubske, Jakubske Skore, Juliusi Szoeloe, July Grape, Kleiner Burgunder, Korai Kek Kisburgundi, Laurenzitraube, Laurenziustraube, Loerinc Szoeloe, Lujega, Luviana Veronese, Maddalena nera, Madeleine noir, Madeleine noire, Magdalenentraube, Magdolna Szoeloe, Modra Klevanyka, Moehrchen, Morillon Hatif, Morillon noir Hatif, Morillon Parisien, Noir Précoce de Genes, Noir Précoce de Hongrie, Noir Printannier, Petit noir Précoce, Petit Noirin, Pineau de Juillet, Pineau Madeleine, Pineau noir, Pino Cornij Ranij, Pino Rannii, Pinot Hatif de Rilly, Pinot Madeleine, Pinot Nero Précoce, Pinot noir Précoce, Pinot noir Precose, Pinot Plant de Juillet, Pinot Pommier, Pinot Rannii, Pinot Timpuriu, Plant Printanier, Précoce noir, Raisin de Juillet, Raisin de la Madelaine, Raisin de St. Jean, Raisin Précoce, Rani Modri Burgrendac, Roter Assmannschaeuser, Rouci, Saint Jacques, Schwarzer Assmannshaeuser, Schwarzer Burgunder, St. Jean, Szent Anna Szoeloe, Tidlig Bla Burgunder, Tuannes Negres, Uva de Trivolte, Uva di Tre Volte, Uva di Tri Volte, Vigne d'Ischia, Zherna Mushza
Countries of Origin France
Species Vitis vinifera
Berry Color Black
Uses Table,Wine
Comments Berries on this Pinot noir mutation reportedly develop color at least two weeks ahead of regular Pinot noir. This cultivar is popular in Germany as Frühburgunder.

Pinot noir Précoce Selections

Information about:          Selection Numbers     |     Registration Status
  Pinot noir Précoce 01
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Centre for Plant Health, CFIA, Sidney, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Treatments None
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services, UC Davis, in 2013 from the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) foundation vineyard at the Centre for Plant Health at Sidney, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This plant material came to the CFIA collection from France. This cultivar is a very old Pinot noir mutation which has smaller berries and ripens two weeks earlier than traditional Pinot noir. The selection successfully completed testing to qualify for the FPS Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2015.