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Grape Variety: Gouveio

Variety Name Gouveio
Common Synonyms Godello
All Synonyms Gouveio real, Guveio, Godelho, Godello, Verdeiho, Verdeleu, Verdelho, Verdelho du Dão
Countries of Origin Portugal/Spain
Species Vitis vinifera
Berry Color White
Uses Wine
Comments This grape variety is native to northern Portugal and northwestern Spain. Gouveio is grown on continental Portugal (primarily the Alentejo and Dão regions). The grape was formerly known as Verdelho but the name was officially changed in 2000 to Gouveio. This grape is known in Spain as Godello. Gouveio (formerly Verdelho) is not the same grape as the Verdelho variety grown on the islands of Madeira and the Azores.

Gouveio Selections

Information about:          Selection Numbers     |     Registration Status
  Gouveio 268
Registration Status Provisional Provisional Status is an important term used in the regulations of the California Department of Food & Agriculture's Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Grapevine selections with Provisional Status have successfully completed all required disease testing, but have not been confirmed as true to variety. Propagation material from Provisional selections qualifies for release subject to the understanding on the part of the customer that the identity has yet to be confirmed.
Source Jorge Boehm, Viveiros Plansel, S.A., Portugal
Treatments None , Tissue Culture Excision
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services in 2005 from Jorge Böhm, Viveiros Plansel S.A., Portugal. The material is JPB clone 268. The original material successfully completed testing and qualified for the Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2007 as Gouveio FPS 01. The name was changed to Gouveio PLANSEL 268 in 2008 to conform to the Plansel clone number. After several years of being a proprietary selection, Gouvieo 268 was released to the FPS public grapevine collection in 2019.

  Gouveio 274
Registration Status Provisional Provisional Status is an important term used in the regulations of the California Department of Food & Agriculture's Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Grapevine selections with Provisional Status have successfully completed all required disease testing, but have not been confirmed as true to variety. Propagation material from Provisional selections qualifies for release subject to the understanding on the part of the customer that the identity has yet to be confirmed.
Source Jorge Böhm, Viveiros Plansel S.A.,Portugal
Treatments None
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services in 2010 from Jorge Böhm, Viveiros Plansel S.A., in Portugal. It is JBP clone 274. The untreated material successfully completed disease testing in 2013 and qualified for planting in the FPS Classic Foundation Vineyard. After several years of being a proprietary selection, Gouveio 274 was released to the public grapevine collection at FPS in 2019.

  Gouveio 274.1
Registration Status Provisional Provisional Status is an important term used in the regulations of the California Department of Food & Agriculture's Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Grapevine selections with Provisional Status have successfully completed all required disease testing, but have not been confirmed as true to variety. Propagation material from Provisional selections qualifies for release subject to the understanding on the part of the customer that the identity has yet to be confirmed.
Protocol 2010 Qualifies for Protocol 2010. (This selection planted in Russell Ranch)
Source Jorge Böhm, Viveiros Plansel S.A., Portugal
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture therapy
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services in 2010 from Jorge Böhm, Viveiros Plansel S.A., in Portugal. It is JBP clone 274. The original material successfully completed disease testing in 2013 and qualified for planting in the FPS Classic Foundation Vineyard. Gouveio 274 underwent microshoot tip tissue culture therapy in 2010 to qualify for planting in the Russell Ranch Foundation Vineyard. The treated material successfully completed testing in 2013 and qualified for the Russell Ranch Vineyard as Gouveio PLANSEL® 274.1. Gouveio 274.1 was also planted in the Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2013. After several years of being a proprietary selection, Gouveio 274.1 was released to the FPS public grapevine collection in 2019.