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Grape Variety: Muscat of Alexandria

Variety Name Muscat of Alexandria
TTB Approved Name(s) Muscat of Alexandria
All Synonyms Aggliko, Albillo de Toro, Alexander Muskat, Alexandriai Muskotaly, Angliko, Apostoliatiko, Argelino, Augibi blanc, Augibi Muscat, Bowood Muscat, Broccula, Chasselas Musque, Damascener Weiss Muscat, Englesiko, Gerosolimitana bianca, Gordo, Hanepoot, Isidori, Iskendiriye Misketi, Jubi, Kabrija, Malaga blanc, Meski, Moscatel de Alejandria, Moscatel de Chipiona, Moscatel de Espana, Moscatel de Grano Gordo, Moscatel de Jesus, Moscatel de Lanzarote, Moscatel de Malaga, Moscatel de Samso, Moscatel de Setubal, Moscatel de Valencia, Moscatel Flamenco, Moscatel Gordo, Moscatel Gordo Blanco, Moscatel Gordo blanco, Moscatel Real, Moscatel Roma, Moscatel Romano, Moscatellone, Moscato di Calabria, Moscato di Pantelleria, Moscato Gordo, Moschato Alexandrias, Muscat Candia, Muscat Croquant, Muscat d' Alexandrie, Muscat d' Espagne, Muscat de Jerusalem, Muscat de Kelibia, Muscat de Raf-Raf, Muscat de Rivesaltes, Muscat de Roma, Muscat Flame, Muscat Grec, Muscat Primavais, Muscat à Gros Grains, Muscataiu, Muscatdamascener Weiss, Muscatellone di Espagna, Muscat Romain, Muskat Etolyata, Muskat Krupni, Muskat Rapski, Muskat Veliki, Pais Myuske, Panse Muscade, Panse Muscat, Panse Musquee, Paradisia, Pasa de Malaga, Pascal Muscat, Passe Muscat, Raisin de Malaga, Roode Hanepoot, Salamanna, Smirnai Szagos, Spanier Weiss, Tokay Musque, Tottenham Park Muscat, Vanille Raisin, White Hanepoot, Zibebenmuscateller Weiss, Zibibb, Zibibbo
Countries of Origin Egypt
Species Vitis vinifera
Pedigree Muscat blanc à petits grains (Moscato bianco) x Axina de tres bias (Trifera, Uva di tre volte, Tre volte l'anno)
Berry Color White
Uses Raisin,Table,Wine
Comments One of the parents of Muscat of Alexandria, Axina de tres bias (syn. Trifera), is an ancient black berry variety still grown on Sardinia (see reference 70). The synonyms for Axina de tres bias were given for the ability to flower and crop three times a year under favorable climatic conditions.

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Muscat of Alexandria Selections

Information about:          Selection Numbers     |     Registration Status
  Muscat of Alexandria 02
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source California vineyard (Taber)
Treatments Heat treatment 77 days , Tissue Culture Excision
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services in the early 1960's from a vineyard in California. Muscat of Alexandria FPS 02 and 03 were harvested from the same source vine in a California vineyard in the 1960's. FPS 02 and FPS 03 underwent different heat treatment periods at FPS between 1963 and 1965. The original material for FPS 02 underwent heat treatment therapy for 77 days and qualified for the foundation vineyard in 1966. [For the current version of Muscat of Alexandria FPS 03, see Muscat of Alexandria FPS 04.1].