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Grape Variety: Redglobe

Variety Name Redglobe
All Synonyms Red Globe, Rosito
Countries of Origin USA
Species Vitis vinifera
Breeder H.P.Olmo and Albert T. Koyama
Institution Calif.Agr. Expt. Sta. (Davis, CA)
Year Released 1980
Pedigree (Hunisia x Emperor) x (Huni. x Emper. x Nocera)
Berry Color Red
Uses Table
Comments Plant patent 4787 (1981)

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Redglobe Selections

Information about:          Selection Numbers     |     Registration Status
  Redglobe 02
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Redglobe FPS 01, from the Department of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis (Heat treatment 100 days)
Treatments Microshoot tip tissue culture therapy
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services in the late 1960's from plant breeder Harold Olmo. It underwent heat treatment for 100 days and qualified for the foundation vineyard in 1974 as Redglobe 01. After discovery of virus issues with the cultivar, Redglobe 01 underwent microshoot tip tissue culture therapy at FPS and was released as Redglobe 02 in 2001.