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FPS Fruit & Nut Tree Cultivars - Cherry

Rtstock Cultivar Type Relative Harvest Weeks Req Chill 
Early Burlat Cherry -2   Bing  500
Larian Cherry -2   Bing  450
PC 7146-23 Cherry -2   Bing  500
Brooks Cherry -1   Bing  500
Coral Champagne Cherry -1   Bing  400
NY 38L Cherry -1   Bing 
Santina Cherry -1   Bing 
Summit Cherry -1   Bing  650
Sumnue Cherry -1   Bing 
Utah Giant Cherry -1   Bing  800
Bing Cherry Zero   Bing  700
Napoleon (Royal Ann) Cherry Zero   Bing  700
Van Cherry Zero   Bing  700
Compact Stella Cherry +1   Bing  600
Rainier Cherry +1   Bing  700
Stella Cherry +1   Bing  400
Jork 57/201 Cherry +2   Bing 
English Morello Cherry +3   Bing  450
Sweetheart Cherry +3   Bing  800
Montmorency Cherry +5   Bing  700
Canindex Cherry   Bing 
Lamida Cherry   Bing 
PC 7144-6 Cherry   Bing 
Sumste Cherry   Bing 
Sweet September Cherry   Bing 
Symphony Cherry   Bing 
Tomentosa Cherry   Bing 
X Colt Cherry Rootstock    
X Compact™ Mahaleb Cherry Rootstock    
X * Corette 2 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Corette 3 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Corette 4 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Gisela 12 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Gisela 13 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Gisela 17 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Gisela 3 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Gisela 6 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Krymsk® 6 Cherry Rootstock    
X * Krymsk® 7 Cherry Rootstock    
X Mahaleb Cherry Rootstock    
X Mazzard (saylor) Cherry Rootstock    
X Mazzard (silverbark) Cherry Rootstock    
X Performer™ Mahaleb Cherry Rootstock    
X Shilo™ Mahaleb Cherry Rootstock    
X Stockton Morello Cherry Rootstock    
X Brokforest Cherry Rootstock    

* = Patented cultivar; can only be supplied upon receipt of written permission from patent holder