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Rose Cultivars Available at Foundation Plant Services

* = Patented variety; can only be supplied upon receipt of written permission from patent holder
™ or ® = Off patent, but name is trademarked; purchaser cannot use name without permission from trademark holder
P Proprietary - must be released by proprietor

Rose Understock Selections

De la Grifferaie Dr. Huey Fortuniana
IXL Manettii Natal Briar
Odorata RW

Rose Scion Selections

A Shropshire Lad® P Abbaye De Cluny™ P *About Face™ P
*Above All™ P *Above and Beyond™ P Adam
*Adobe Sunrise™ P *All a'Twitter™ P *All My Loving P
*All-American Magic P Allspice P Aloha
Altissimo® *Ambassador® *Amber Sunblaze® P
America™ American Heritage® American Pride
American Spirit Angel Face *Anna's Promise™ P
Anthony Meilland P Antigua Antique Rose™
Apache Tears *Apricot Candy™ P *Apricot Drift® P
Apricot Nectar *Apricots n' Cream™ P *April in Paris™ P
Archduke Charles *Arctic Blue™ P *Aromatherapy™ P
Artistry P Astounding Glory P Auguste Renoir® P
Austrian Copper Autumn Damask Autumn Sunblaze® P
Autumn Sunset® Baby Betsy McCall *Baby Bloomer™
Baby Cécile Brunner Baby Love Baby Paradise™ P
Baby Talk Baccará® *Bajazzo Climbing® P
Ballerina Barbara Bush™ Barbra Streisand P
Baronne Prévost Bathsheba® P *Beautiful Dreamer P
Belinda Belinda's Dream Belle Portugaise
Beloved P Benjamin Britten® P *Best Kept Secret™ P
Betty Boop™ P Betty Prior *Beverly™ P
Beverly Hills Bewitched Big Apple
Big Splash Bill Warriner™ *Billy Graham™
*Black Cherry™ P Black Magic Blanche Mallerin
Blaze Blaze Improved *Blaze of Glory Climbing P
*Bliss® P Blossom Blanket P Blue Chip
Blue Girl Blue Mist Blue Ribbon
Blush Noisette Bob Hope *Bolero™ P
Bon-Bon Bordeaux™ P *Boscobel P
Brandy™ Brass Band™ *Brick House™ P
Bridal Pink™ Bridal Sunblaze® P Bridal White™
Bride's Dream Bride's White Brigadoon™
*Bright & Shiny™ P Brilliant Pink Iceberg™ P *Brilliant Veranda™ P
*Brite Eyes P Brite Lites® Broadway™
Bronze Masterpiece *Bronze Star™ P Bubble Double™ P
Buccaneer *Bull's Eye™ P Butterscotch
*Cabana™ Calico Camara®
Camelot *Campfire P *Cancan™ P
Candelabra™ *Candy Cane Cocktail™ P *Candy Land™ P
*Candy Sunblaze® P *Canyon Road™ P *Cape Diamond™ P
Capistrano Cara Mia *Caramel Kisses™ P
Cardinal Song™ Carding Mill® Carefree Delight™
Carefree Marvel™ P *Carefree Spirit P *Carefree Sunshine Climbing P
Carefree Wonder™ Caribbean™ Caribbean Breeze P
Carina® Caroline de Monaco Carrousel
Cary Grant™ Cathedral Cécile Brünner
Cécile Brünner Climbing Centennial Star™ P Century Two
Champneys' Pink Cluster *Change of Heart™ P Charisma
Charles Aznavour® Charles Darwin® P Charlotte P
Charlotte Armstrong Climbing *Ch-Ching!™ P *Cheri Kolorscape™ P
Cherish Cherokee Rose *Cherries 'n' Cream™
*Cherry Frost™ P *Cherry Parfait™ P Cherry Sunblaze® P
Cherry-Vanilla Chicago Peace® *Chihuly® P
*Children's Hope™ P China Doll Chris Evert™ P
Christian Dior Christopher Columbus P Chrysler Imperial
*Cinco de Mayo™ P Circus Circus Parade
*Claire Austin P Class Act *Cloud 10™ P
*Clouds of Glory P Colette P Color Magic
*Colorific™ P Colour Wonder Columbus Queen
Comanche Command Performance Condesa de Sástago
Confetti Confidence™ Contempo
Coral Dawn *Coral Drift® P *Coral Knock Out® P
*Coretta Scott King™ P *Crackling Fire™ *Crazy Love™ P
*Cream Veranda® P Crépuscule Crescendo® P
Crimson Bouquet™ P Crimson Glory Crimson Glory Climbing
*Crimson Meidiland™ P Crocus Rose® P Crown Jewel
Crown Princess Margareta® P Crush on You P *Crystal Fairy P
Cynthia *Daddy's Little Girl™ P Dainty Bess
*Darcey Bussell P Daring Spirit™ P *Dark Desire™ P
*Day Breaker P *DayDream P Dee-Lish® P
*Desdemona P *Desmond Tutu™ P *Diamond Eyes™ P
Diamond Jubilee *Dick Clark™ P Distant Drums
Dolly Parton Don Juan *Doris Day™ P
Dortmund® Double Delight™ Doubloons
*Dream Come True™ P Dream Weaver™ *Drop Dead Red™ P
Dublin Bay Ducher Duchesse de Brabant
Duet *Earth Angel™ P Earthquake™
*Easter Basket™ P *Easy Does It™® P Easy on the Eyes™ P
*Easy Spirit™ P *Easy to Please™ P *Ebb Tide™ P
Eclipse Eden Climber™ *Edith™ P
*Edith's Darling™ P Eglantyne P El Capitan
El Cid Electron® Elegant Lady P
Elizabeth Taylor Elle® P Eloquence
Enchanted Evening™ P *Enchanted Peace™ P *Eternal Flame™ P
Eureka™ P Europeana® *Eustacia Vye P
Evening Star® *Eyeconic Lemonade™ P *Eyeconic Lychee Lemonade P
*Eyeconic Melon Lemonade P *Eyeconic Pink Lemonade™ P *Eyeconic® Mango Lemonade P
F. J. Grootendorst Fabergé *Fairy Meidiland™ P
*Fairy Queen *Falling in Love™ P Falstaff® P
Fame!™ Fancy Talk Fascination
Fashion Feisty™ Ferdinand Pichard
*Fiji™ P Fire Meidiland™ P Fire 'n' Ice™
*Fire Opal Kolorscape™ P *Firecracker Kolorscape™ P *Fired Up™ P
Firefighter® P *First Crush™ P First Love
First Prize First Prize Climbing Flamingo Kolorscape® P
Floradora *Florentina™ P Fortune's Double Yellow
Fourth Of July™ P Fragrant Cloud *Fragrant Keepsake™
Fragrant Memory Fragrant Plum *Francis Meilland P
*Francois Rabelais™ P Frau Karl Druschki Frederic Mistral™ P
French Lace Fresh Pink Frida Kahlo™ P
Friendship™ *Fruity Petals™ P *Full Sail P
Futura *Gabriel Oak® P Gabriella®
*Garden Delight P Garden Party® Garden Sun™ P
Garnette P Gartendirektor Otto Linne *Gaye Hammond P
Gemini™ P Gene Boerner *Gentle Giant™ P
*Gentle Hermione® P George Burns™ P Gertrude Jekyll® P
*Gilded Sun™ P Gina Lollobrigida® Gingersnap
Glowing Peace™ P Gold Glow P Gold Medal®
Gold Rush *Gold Struck™ P Golden Celebration® P
Golden Emblem Golden Garnette Golden Gate
Golden Masterpiece Golden Scepter Golden Showers®
*Golden Zest™ Goldilocks *Good as Gold™ P
Grace® P Graham Thomas® P Granada
Grand Masterpiece *Grand Prize™ *Grande Dame P
*Grape Jelly™ P Grateful Heart® P Green Rose
Greetings™ Gruss an Aachen Guy de Maupassant™ P
Gypsy Carnival *Gypsy Soul P Half Time
Halo Today® *Happy Go Lucky™ P Harlow Carr® P
Hawaii Hawaiian Delight *Head over Heels P
Headliner Heirloom Helen Hayes
Helen Traubel Helmut Schmidt® Henry Fonda™
Hermosa Heroes Rose P Hi Ho
*Home Run™ P Honey Bouquet™ P *Honey Nectar™ P
*Honey Perfume™ P Honor™ *Hot & Sassy™ P
*Hot Cocoa™ P Hotel California® Hypnotized P
Iceberg Iceberg Climbing *Icecap™ P
Iced Tea Imogen® P Impatient
*In the Mood™ P Ink Spots Interama
Intrigue Irish Gold Ivory Fashion
Ivory Tower Jacqueline James Galway® P
Jardins De Bagatelle® *Jasmina™ P Jazz Fest
Jean Giono™ P Jennifer Hart *Johann Strauss® P
John F. Kennedy *Jolie Veranda™ P Jolly Roger
Joseph's Coat® Jubilee Celebration® P *Jude the Obscure® P
Judy Garland *Julia Child™ P Julie Link
*Jump for Joy™ P K. A. Viktoria Kaleidoscope™
Kardinal® *Kardinal Kolorscape™ P Karl Herbst
Katherine Loker Katherine T. Marshall Kentucky Derby
*Ketchup & Mustard™ P King's Ransom *Koko Loko™ P
Kordes' Perfecta *L. D. Braithwaite® P La Park P
La Reine Victoria Lace Cascade Climbing P Lady Elgin
*Lady Elsie May™ P *Lady Emma Hamilton P Lady Hillingdon
*Lady in Red™ P *Lady of Shalott P Lady X
*Laguna™ P Lamarque Las Vegas®
Lasting Love® P Lavender Jewel *Lavender Meidiland® P
*Lavender Veranda® P Le Vésuve Legend
*Legends™ P *Lemon Drift® P Lemon Drop P
*Lemon Fizz Kolorscape™ P *Leonardo da Vinci® P *Let Freedom Ring™ P
*Lichfield Angel P *Light My Fire™ P Lily Pons
*Limoncello™ P Liv Tyler P Livin' Easy™ P
*Livin' La Vida® P *Look-A-Likes® Apple Dapple P *Look-A-Likes® BougainFeelYa P
*Look-A-Likes® Hydrangealicious P *Look-A-Likes® Phloxy Baby P Louise Odier
Love *Love & Peace™ P *Love Song™ P
*Lovers Lane™ Love's Promise Lucky Lady
*Lupo® P Madame Alfred Carrière *Madame Anisette™ P
Madame Butterfly Madame Ernest Calvat Madame Joseph Schwartz
Madame Plantier Malibu P Malvern Hills® P
Maman Cochet Mandarin Sunblaze® P *Mango Veranda™ P
Marco Polo P *Mardi Gras™ Margaret Merril®
Marie Curie® P Marie van Houtte Marilyn Monroe™ P
Marina® Marmalade Marmalade Skies™ P
Mary Delany® P Mary Rose® P Matador
Matterhorn® Medallion® Mellow Yellow P
Melody Parfumée™ P *Memorial Day™ P Mercedes®
Merci *Mercury Rising™ P Michelangelo P
Midas Touch™ *Midnight Blue™ P Mikado™
*Milano Kolorscape™ P Milestone Millie Walters™
Mirandy Miss All-American Beauty *Miss Behavin'™ P
*Miss Congeniality™ P Mister Lincoln® Misty
Modern Magic™ P Mojave Molineux® P
Mon Cheri™ Monkey Business P Monsieur Tillier
Montezuma *Moondance™ P Moonlight
*Moonlight Romantica® P Moonstone™ P *Morning Magic™ P
*Mother of Pearl™ P Mount Shasta Mr. Bluebird
Mrs Pierre S. duPont Mrs Sam McGredy Climbing Mrs. B. R. Cant
Mrs. Dudley Cross *Munstead Wood P Mutabilis
*Neil Diamond™ P New Dawn New Day
New Year® New Zealand *Night Owl™ P
Nocturne Obsession® P Octoberfest™ P
*Oh Happy Day™ P *Oh My!™ P Oklahoma
Old Blush Old Blush Climbing Old Master
Oldtimer Olé *Olivia Rose Austin® P
Olympiad™ Olympic Dream Opening Night™
Orange Elf Orange Garnet Orange Honey
Oranges 'n' Lemons P Orchid Jubilee Climbing *Orchid Romance™ P
Oregold Origami™ *Oso Easy ® Cherry Pie P
*Oso Easy ® Double Red® P *Oso Easy ® Hot Paprika P *Oso Easy ® Italian Ice® P
*Oso Easy ® Lemon Zest® P *Oso Easy ® Mango Salsa P *Oso Easy ® Paprika P
*Oso Easy ® Peachy Cream P *Oso Easy ® Petit Pink P *Oso Easy ® Pink Cupcake P
*Oso Easy ® Urban Legend ™ P *Oso Happy ® Candy Oh! P *Oso Happy ® Smoothie P
Outrageous™ Outta the Blue P *Over the Moon™ P
Over the Rainbow Pacifica® Papa Meilland®
Paprika *Parade Day™ P Paradise™
Paris de Yves St Laurent™ P *Party Hardy P Passionate Kisses™ P
Pat Austin® P Patrician Patsy Cline
Paul Neyron Peace Peace Climbing
Peach Beauty *Peach Drift® P *Peachy Knock Out® P
Peak Performance Pearl Sevillana P *Pearlescent™ P
Pearly Gates P *Peppermint Pop™ P Perfect Moment™
Perfume Beauty™ Perfume Delight Persian Yellow
*Petal Pushers™ Peter Mayle™ P *Phoenix® P
Picnic Pigmy Gold Pigmy Red
Pilgrim Piñata *Pink Brick House® P
*Pink Drift® P *Pink Flamingo™ P *Pink Home Run® P
Pink Joy Pink Parfait Pink Peace
Pink Petticoat™ *Pink Promise Pink Puff
*Pink Traviata P *Pinkerbelle™ P Pinkie Climbing
Pinstripe™ Plain Talk Playgirl™
Pleasure *Plum Perfect P *Polar Express™ P
Polar Star Polka P *Polynesian Punch™ P
Polynesian Sunset *Pope John Paul II P *Port Sunlight P
Portrait *Poseidon™ P Prairie Rose
Preference P President Herbert Hoover *Pretty Lady Rose™ P
*Pretty Polly Lavender® P *Pretty Polly Pink® P *Pretty Polly White® P
Pride 'n' Joy™ *Princess Alexandra of Kent P *Princess Anne P
*Princesse Charlene de Monaco P Princesse de Monaco® Pristine®
Prominent® Promise Proud Land
*Pumpkin Patch™ P *Pure Perfume™ *Purple Splash™ P
Purple Tiger Queen Elizabeth® Queen Elizabeth Climbing
*Queen Mary 2™ P Queen of Bourbons *Queen of Sweden® P
Queen of the Lakes *Quicksilver™ P *Rainbow Happy Trails™ P
*Rainbow Sorbet™ P *Rainbow Sunblaze® P *Raspberry Cream Twirl™ P
Razzle Dazzle Red Devil *Red Drift® P
Red Eden Climber P Red Masterpiece Red Radiance
Red Reflection *Red Streamer™ P Red Sunblaze® P
Redgold Regensberg® Rêve d'Or
Rex Anderson Ring of Fire™ Rio Samba™
*Roald Dahl P *Rock & Roll™ P Romance
Rose Gaujard® Rose Gilardi™ *Rosie the Riveter™ P
Rouge Royale™ P Roundelay *Roxanne Veranda™ P
Royal Bonica™ P Royal Canadian Royal Highness
Royal Success Ruby Meidiland® P *Ruby Ruby™ P
*Ruffled Cloud™ Safrano Saint Mary™
Sally Holmes Salmon Sunblaze® P Salsa™
Samantha® Sarabande® Saratoga
Savannah *Savannah™ Sunbelt® Rose™ P Scarlet Knight
Scarlet Moss™ *Scent From Above Climbing™ P *Scentimental™ P
Scepter'd Isle® P Sea Foam® Seashell
Secret™ *Secret's Out P Sedona™ P
Sevillana Sexy Rexy® Sharon's Delight™
Sheer Bliss Sheila's Perfume Shining Hour™
*Shining Moment™ P *Shockwave™ P Showbiz
Showtime Signature® P Signora
Silas Marner P Silver Star® P Simon Bolivar
Simplicity™ Simply Magnifiscent P Singin' in the Rain
*Sixteen Candles *Sky's the Limit™ P Small Talk
*Smiley Face™ P *Smoke Rings™ P Smokin' Hot™ P
Smoky Snow Twinkle™ *Snowdrift P
Snowfire Soeur Thérèse *Soft Whisper P
Solitude™ *Solstice™ Sonia
Sonoma Sophy's Rose P *Soul Sister™ P
South Africa® P South Seas Souvenir de la Malmaison
Souvenir de St Anne's Spanish Sun *Spanish Sunset P
*Sparkle & Shine™ P Spartan Spellbinder
St. Patrick™ P St. Swithun P Stainless Steel™ P
Starry Night Stars 'n' Stripes Sterling Silver
*Stormy Weather™ P Strawberry Blonde *Strawberry Hill® P
*Strike It Rich™ P *Sugar Moon™ P *Sultry Sangria™ P
Summer Dream Summer Fashion Summer Nights P
*Summer Romance™ P Summer Snow Climbing *Summer Sun P
Summer Sunshine Summer's Kiss P Summerwine
Sun Flare Sun Glory Sun Goddess
Sun Sprinkles™ P *Sunbeam Veranda™ P Sunbright®
Sunfire Sunny June *Sunny Sky™ P
Sunset Celebration™ *Sunset Horizon™ P Sunset Jubilee
*Sunshine Daydream P *Sunshine Happy Trails™ P Sunsong
Sunsprite *Sunstruck™ P Sutter's Gold
Swamp Rose Swarthmore Sweet Chariot™
*Sweet Drift® P Sweet Inspiration *Sweet Mademoiselle™ P
*Sweet Spirit™ P Sweet Sunblaze® P Sweet Surrender
Sweet Vivien Sweetness™ P Tag-a-long
*Tahitian Sunset™ P *Tahitian Treasure P *Take It Easy™ P
Tamango® Tampico Tangerine Jewel
*Tangerine Skies™ P Target Teasing Georgia® P
Tempo Tequila™ P *Tequila Gold™ P
*Tequila Supreme™ P Tess of the d'Urbervilles® P Texas
The Alnwick Rose® P *The Ancient Mariner P The Blushing Knock Out Rose P
*The Charlatan™ P *The Double Knock Out Rose P The Fairy
The Generous Gardener® P The Knock Out Rose P The Lady Gardener® P
The Lady of the Lake® P The Lark Ascending® P The McCartney Rose™ P
*The Petite Knock Out® Rose® P The Pilgrim® P *The Pink Double Knock Out Rose P
The Pink Knock Out Rose P *The Poet's Wife P *The Rainbow Knock Out Rose P
*The Sunny Knock Out Rose P Thérèse Bugnet Thomas à Becket® P
*Thrive!® P *Tiddly Winks™ P Tiffany
Tiffany Climbing Timeless™ Tonight
Topaz Jewel™ Touch of Class™ Toulouse Lautrec® P
Tournament of Roses Toy Clown *Tranquillity® P
Traviata™ P Tribute *Tropical Lightning™ P
*Tropical Twist™ Tropicana Trumpeter®
*Twilight Zone™ P Twister Climbing Typhoo Tea
Uncle Joe Valentine *Valentine's Day P
*Vavoom™ P Verona Veterans' Honor™
*Violet's Pride™ P Vi's Violet™ Vision
Viva *Voluptuous!™ P Voodoo™ P
*Walking On Sunshine P *We Salute You™ P *Wedding Bells™ P
Wedding Party P *Whimsy™ P *Whipped Cream™ P
Whisper™ P White Butterfly White Dawn
White Delight *White Eden™ P *White Knock Out® P
*White Licorice™ P White Masterpiece White Meidiland® P
White Pet White Satin White Simplicity®
White Swan *White Veranda® P *Wild Blue Yonder™ P
Wild Plum™ Wild Spice P *Wild Thing™
William Baffin *Windermere P *Winner's Circle™ P
Winter Magic™ *Winter Sun™ P *Wisley 2008 P
Woburn Abbey *Wollerton Old Hall P Work of Art Climbing™
World War II Memorial Rose™ P Yankee Doodle® Yellow Sunblaze® P
*Young Lycidas P *You're the One™ P Yuletide
Yves Piaget® Zéphirine Drouhin